Waxela Sananda

A mailing list to regularly send out updates from Waxela Sananda

Are you feeling called to shift right now?

Published: Wed, 08/12/20

Hi, It can take a lot of energy to stay grounded and strong in the face of turmoil, while trying to find hope and stability in a world that seems…

Surprising Advice From a Cockroach

Published: Thu, 08/06/20

Hi, If you have ever lived in a tropical environment you have likely had a few encounters with cockroaches. Have you ever had one watch you and follow…

Portal to Expanded Awareness: FREE LIVE ZOOM

Published: Thu, 07/23/20

Hi, The Lions Gate Portal is approaching, officially open from July 26- August 12. The Lion's Gate portal referrs to an alignment of Earth and Sirius,…

This Morning I had a "God Moment"

Published: Tue, 07/21/20

Hi, Christian mystics and Neville Goddard share about the mystical interpretation of scripture, in a way that it is accessible and possible to…

A Channeled Message : Master Your Life!

Published: Thu, 07/16/20

Hi, Do you ever have the feeling that something BIG and POWERFUL is trying to speak to you, or THROUGH you, and you just have to stop what you're…

What's the Best Investment You Could Make?

Published: Tue, 07/14/20

Hi, It was my birthday last week so I made a video to share my passion about a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I would be so honored if you…

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