The equinox is a great time to use your intention for harmonizing your energy, balancing your inner and outer world, and aligning with your highest vision and intentions.
The upcoming equinox is on September 22nd at 3:21 p.m. EDT. This is the PERFECT time for us to get together for a NEW EARTH VISIONING ceremony and for fortifying Inner Peace!
I invite you to join me on Zoom on September 22 at 3:00pm eastern time (Use EDT or eastern daylight time if you need to look up a time zone converter for your area).
We will share some quality time together, tune in to the New Earth Frequencies, Activate Light Codes, expand our Heart Connection and come out feeling refreshed and restored.
I will also leave time to answer questions you have on global topics such as New Earth, Ascension, and the state of the world from my source connection channel.
This is a FREE online event.