It's Friday, and I have some special treats for you today. There are two new Alchemy of Ascension Podcast episodes available for you today:
Xi EarthStar is an embodied wanderer and the Andromedan visionary of Earthstar Sanctuary. Her recent life time studying light-field genetics in 7 density Andromeda lead to her participation in the “starseed mission” to weave starseed DNA for ground crew. Xi is a Gatekeeper, shamanic healer, medicine singer, multi-dimensionality coach and self-healing guide. Fusing the ancient Taoist teachings of her ancestral lineage with Creation Magic and the Law
of One teachings of her galactic lineages – offering a unique frequency of Earth-Star knowledge transmissions.
Krishna Kaur, a dynamic, heart centered Yoga teacher, began studying with Yogi Bhajan in 1970 and has passionately taught the art and science of Kundalini Yoga and Self Awareness for over 40 years. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her teaching in Africa, Mexico, and inner cities throughout the United States. A master teacher trainer of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, she conducts workshops in Canada, Europe, Asia and Latin
Here is the link to all AoA episodes on iTunes: