Wow, the energies streaming in to our planet are powerful. What are you experiencing? I know it can be intense, overwhelming at times. Are you staying balanced, grounded, and on purpose through it all? Or are you struggling?
Ascension symptoms are real, and they can take a toll. Through all of it, it's essential to remember that every moment is an opportunity. You have a choice.
You can:
Take a step forward on your Ascension Path.
Stay where you are, or
Take a step back.
The energy is strong and getting stronger. What you are experiencing now is going to amplify. How is the amplification effecting you?
Are you feeling bliss, expansion, new spiritual insights, receiving the light anchoring your presence in it, and using that light to serve your heart's calling?
Are you feeling unfocused, overwhelmed, ungrounded, unsure what to do next?
If you're in the bliss, grounded, centered and on purpose, GREAT! You've got this, there is no need for you to read further.
If you're in the overwhelm, unfocused, ungrounded, uncertain group, the energy may feel turbulent and your "ship" may be off course.
You need a lighthouse, a guiding light to follow, to help you find your way, know your purpose, and balance the intensity.
When you are balanced and have a guide to help you anchor your light you can ground into your body and truly enjoy this incredible energy of expansion. You can receive spiritual downloads and follow your heart's purpose to serve your calling.
We all get off course at times, especially as the energy intensifies and often as you expand to hold more light your purpose changes too.
As you anchor the ascension frequencies it all starts to make sense, overwhelm drops away, and your purpose becomes clear as you step into flow.
If you're feeling the turbulence right now don't worry, you just need a lighthouse.
I have built that lighthouse for you. For right now, for these times as the amplification of energy coming onto our planet is intensifying. I've been through many dark nights of the soul, and I found my way out. I built a ladder as a guide so that you don't have to stay in the dark if you're
ready to stand in the light. My purpose is to support YOU.
Ascension Training is the course to guide you home. To help you anchor, center, harmonize and balance. To help you know your purpose and open to receive the downloads that are streaming in for you. To bring you the manifestations of the life you know you are here to live. To connect you to your
ascension guides, your galactic family, and your spiritual soul family community.
Are you ready to do this?
If so, Book Your Call Here. My team and I are ready to serve you and assist you
on your Ascension Path.
Ascension Training is happening now. Book your call and we will cross the threshold into the golden realm of New Earth/ New Lemuria together!