You probably know I published a book about my story and mission, it's called The Love You Crave: A Course in Ascension, Alchemy, and Connection to the Divine. I wrote it because I know books reach people around the world, uplevel credibility and ultimately help me inspire and help the people I am here to serve.
So many incredible people have a story to share but we shut down the idea with critical thoughts like:
I’m not a celebrity.
Who am I to write a book?
I didn’t major in writing.
My story isn’t unique.
We talk ourselves out of the power of our voice. But the truth is, you are unquestionably unique and story has been proven to be one of the most potent healing mediums- containing the power to unify, transform and uplift individuals, communities, and worlds.
If you’ve ever considered writing a book, I want to invite you to a special FREE event
How to write a bestselling book that changes lives
(even if you’ve never written before)"
It's hosted by my friend Sara Connell. Sara has been featured on Oprah, New York Times, The View, Forbes, TEDx and is a master at helping women change lives with their stories by becoming bestselling authors and speakers.
She’s on a mission to help every individual who feels the calling to make a difference this year- MAKE THAT impact. On April 28th she’s interviewing me and 5 other bestselling- mission driven authors who have written books and are leading powerful movements around the world.
As part of the event, I will share more about my movement, mission and book and Sara will also open up live coaching to:
- Help you identify your bestselling book idea
- Answer questions about writing and publication
- Learn behind the scenes tips on starting an effective movement
- Show you the first steps to set a book up as a bestseller that leads a movement, from the start!
This event is completely free and all are welcome.
Get Your Free Ticket here:
Here are the details again:
WHAT: How to Write a Bestselling Book That Starts A Movement
WHEN: WEDNESDAY APRIL 28th, 2021 9:30-1:00EST
Access Your Free Invite:
I’m excited about this event and look forward to seeing you there! (If you can’t attend live, you can sign up anyway and you will automatically receive the recording.)