Hello ,
Today is day 2 of the 3 Day LIVE Ascension Series to deepen into your path, activate and embody your ascension frequencies, and receive step by step instructions on HOW to do it. Did you make it yesterday?
Day 2: Wednesday March 3rd at 12pm eastern time USA
join me LIVE on Zoom for an Ascension Masterclass Session on:
- Clearing Your Shadow
- Clearing the Clutter in your mind, body, spirit, & physical environment
- Clearing Lack Consciousness & Limiting Beliefs
- Clearing Filters & Expanding Vision and Connection into Higher Dimensional Realms
The session will be ~90 minutes
Zoom Info:
Topic: Ascension Masterclass Session
Time: Mar 3, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 225 959 8757
Passcode: love
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Meeting ID: 225 959 8757
Passcode: 278929
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kqFFRqLxC
Day 3: Thursday March 4th at 12pm eastern time USA
join me LIVE on Zoom for an New Earth Ascension Conversation on how to move forward and create the New Earth, 5D and Higher experience in YOUR reality NOW.
Check your inbox tomorrow at 6:05am eastern time with the link and password for the day to join the LIVE ZOOM meeting.
In case the zoom room is full, I will be livestreaming to Facebook here:
I am so happy to be sharing this powerful 3 day event with you! This is your opportunity to expand your light and embodiment of the Divine.