Hi ,
Would you enjoy a retreat right about now? Yes? Me too!
Oh, but time, travel, and finances all come into play...yes, I get it.
How about this idea- I'm inviting you to come to a retreat, at no charge, and it's online so you don't need to buy a plane ticket, drive anywhere, take time off work, or even leave your house. It's being offered on November 11, but if you're busy that day you can watch it on your own time. All you have to do is register! Brilliant, right?
Our planet is going through a massive shift in consciousness. This is our time to embody the next
enlightened version of ourselves, to live authentically, with compassion and remember that we are one big family of light and love.
To assist in empowering the Spiritual Community with peace, stability and relief, my friend Janet Miller is hosting an online retreat called The Evolving Consciousness experience. This is a free experiential virtual retreat, for you to receive powerful new knowledge and
tools as we upgrade into the next level of consciousness.
Joining us in this virtual retreat are gifted teachers,
way showers, and light leaders just like you. Janet handpicked some of my favorite speakers, leaders and facilitators who will bring you into a space of empowerment as you align and ground this new consciousness energy coming through. Not only will we be sharing our wisdom, we’ll also share retreat experiences to help unlock higher consciousness, so you can recognize the shifts occurring inside you and know that you are
connecting to the next higher version of yourself.
The best part is that you get to enjoy this retreat in the comfort of your home wearing comfy clothes and with your favorite beverage on hand.
The Evolving Consciousness retreat will be held November
11th-17th 2020! Mark your calendar so you will have plenty of time to watch all of the retreat sessions with the incredible speakers and facilitators. Plan to go deep with the knowledge and experiences we’ll be sharing and take time to integrate the upliftment and
alignment available to you!
There are complimentary gifts from each of the speakers involved, and I will be sharing my powerful Shamanic Ascension Breathwork for the first time outside of a paid
Making the decision to sign up is an empowering gift for your personal evolution.
If you are hearing the call to unlock your 5D consciousness to embody this age of love and create the life and world we have been waiting for, Register for your spot here at no