Hi ,
Thank you so much for registering for the Zoom call yesterday! I would love to share the replay with you so you can enjoy the meditation/ activation and community presence.
You are an integral part of this Ascension Community, I appreciate you and I'm grateful to be sharing the planet with you in this transformational time!
At the end of the call I offered an opportunity to apply for the upcoming Ascension Training program, in which you receive high level activations, spiritual technologies, and mystical trainings which guide you to embody the Divine Frequencies and Create a Life of Deep Connection, Contentment, and Purpose. If this is speaking to your heart, I
invite you to schedule a free 30 minute Ascension call HERE to discuss it further. I just have a few spots left, and I wouldn't want you to miss out on this training if it's right for you.
The replay is below. If you enjoy it would you do me a quick favor and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel (just click the subscribe button below the video on YouTube) and give the video a thumbs up? I would sure appreciate it!