Hi ,
This is it, season two is almost here, and it's soooooo goood!!!
I've been working around the clock to prepare 30, YES 30 amazing speaker interviews for this season of Alchemy of Ascension.
If you have already registered, wonderful! If not, what are you waiting for? The FREE GIFTS alone are worth thousands, and the conversations are priceless. It all begins on September 9th.
Please note that if you are not registered you will not receive the interviews, even if you are already on my mailing list. The summit interviews only go to emails specifically registered for the show.
In Alchemy of Ascension II, you will be guided to:
- Become aware of yourself as a multidimensional Human
- Connect to your galactic lineage
- Receive frequency healings, upgrades, and attunements
- Experience Shamanic journeying with your breath and imagination
- Activate your 12 strand DNA
- Journey into parallel realities
- Realize your sacred purpose
Click this link to sign up for this FREE online event
I look forward to seeing you at the summit!