Hi ,
How free are you?
Many people felt limited in freedom over the last several months. Now that restrictions are lifting are you feeling wild and free, or is something still holding you hostage?
The way we think, the way we interface with reality, and the way we perceive our external limitations is all coming from within, from our internal state of being. Our thoughts can cause us to feel limited, restricted, defeated, or liberated, expanded, and boundless.
The good news is that how you think and how you feel is something you can control. No matter how you were raised or what trauma you've experienced, you can choose to start thinking and feeling better right now, today, in this very moment.
Meditation, breathwork, and conscious community interactions can help you shift your thinking to liberate your mind and activate your well being.
I built "Launch Pad", my new membership site as a place where we can experience spiritual growth in a community setting.
It is a place to find support in releasing what no longer serves you and opening up to that which will enhance your connection to the Divine.
You get instant access to a shamanic breathwork course with 6 recorded sessions, and a number of guided meditations and activations to get you out of your mind and into a greater, liberated vision of your self.
Click the golden tab to find out more: