Check out the ALKYWAN product line here
(click and scroll down the page for the sale prices, sale ends Nov. 30)
Recent testimonials from ALKYWAN customers:
"I received my Manifestor ALKYWAN today!! It is so beautiful and warm when I hold it in my hands!! I can already feel
so much energy moving within and around me!! It is special... I am at the edge of manifesting so many things, I appreciate this opportunity to have the support of the Manifestor ALKYWAN especially in my life at this time, and to journey forward with me as I go!" 👣 ~S.Peters
From a healer/ wellness practitioner in Tucson, AZ:
“I got it, it's amazing, big shifts already, way surpassing my expectations… I am keeping it close to me in my room where I sleep and work most of the time as I want to get the full benefits. Thank you so much for what you are doing. I can't believe more people do not know this exists. I am going to tell a lot of people if that is ok, starting with my closest clients.”
The video below includes an enlightening sharing from ALKYWAN founder Štěpán Auředník, a divine ALKYWAN meditation, and a beautiful community of light minded starseed light worker planetary changers!
When you tune in and listen, you can also experience the healing photon light energy,
the upgrade of your carbon body to crystalline, the presence of a multitude of Angels and Divine Light Beings, and Infinite possibilities being served on a golden platter!