I've teamed up with Risa Borsykowsky to bring you this new, 4 part course.
Risa and I have been working together for 5 years now. Risa has managed all of my summits, she designed my website, and she is a certified
Intentional Creativity Teacher as well! Risa is a wealth of positive energy, creativity, and FUN!
Painted Activations! Portal to Your Inner Oracle will be a unique creativity course which will serve as a window, a portal, and an opening to connect with your deep wisdom.
We will use guided visualization, meditation and activation, with powerful breath and movement processes. Shamanic shadow work will clear the way to activate your inner light, and that light will call forth the essence and invoke the image of your own Oracle.
Week by week your Oracle will emerge and you will harness the energy and impression on your
canvas. By the end of the final class you will have a tangible painting of Your Inner Oracle to hang in your own sacred space as a reminder that the Oracle is always with you, guiding you and sharing deep wisdom, sacredness, and creative inspiration.
Watch this video to learn more: