Aloha ,
Are you a "feeler"?
Are you tuned in to the energies around you, and do you seem to FEEL so much more than other people do? Maybe you've
been called "over-sensitive" or labeled an HSP (highly sensitive person), like me.
If so, congratulations, you are probably CLAIRSENTIENT! Clairsentience is an intuitive super-power, and empaths have it naturally. So do most starseeds and lightworkers, and I'm willing to bet if you are reading this you are
probably in one of those arenas. Even if you don't consider yourself to be energy sensitive you can learn to feel intuitively and develop your clairsentience.
In today's video I share some specifics on how to tune in to energies in your field in order to communicate with your spirit guides, galactic family, and energy beings, and ways to invite
them into your field in meditation and dreamtime.
Practicing a few simple steps can open the door to deeper psychic development and greater communication with expanded dimensions.
The video is called Opening Your Psychic Perception of Feeling:
CLAIRSENTIENCE (click the image to watch the video)