I've been getting a lot of messages lately asking me "Are you ok? Are you alive? Did I get removed from your email list?"
Fair enough, it's been over two
months since I last sent an email. During that time I entertained my family and friends in my home for the holidays, journeyed to Thailand with my daughter, attended a biohacking mastermind and went to a spiritual leadership retreat.
The last two months have been a massive pattern break in my life, nothing was
"business as usual".
That break has brought me new insights, new ideas, new energy, and a reignited desire to share my stories with you in a way that will support your journey of evolving consciousness and embodied ascension.
What does 2024 have in store?
- New Alchemy of Ascension podcasts
- Embodied Ascension 6 month course is opening again
- The Florida Pyramids
retreat is coming up in April (more about that soon)
- An online Painted Activations course is in the works
- In person one day retreats with crystal healing and ALKYWAN coming soon!
- And
finally...The Alchemy of Ascension Season 7 summit is coming in September
Enough about me, what about you?
- How has the start of the year been for you?
- What would you like to hear more about this year?
- If there was one thing you could learn this year, what would it be?
I look forward to hearing your answers!