Hi ,
You are receiving this because you requested info about GSP. If you do NOT want to receive these updates, let me know and I will happily remove you from this list.
You are receiving this message, which tells me that you (or some part of you) wants to grow your wealth in an untraditional way.
Maybe you watched the intro video and got overwhelmed because this is different than what you are used to. Or maybe you didn't watch it, or something else got in the
way of you taking positive action toward creating a life of great abundance and overflow.
That's OK! I decided to make it easier for you by setting up 2 calls this week, live on Zoom, with me and Attila Hevesy who is an Ambassador in GS Partners.
We will be LIVE, and Attila will answer all of your questions!
This is the perfect opportunity to get clarity or simply to learn more about it, so please join us!
Zoom Call #1: Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 6pm eastern time
Zoom Call #2: Friday, Dec. 8 at 12:30pm eastern time
This is the Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/7339199897
Please RSVP to let me know which call you plan to attend. You are welcome to attend both if you choose to and you are welcome to invite people. RSVP by replying to this message.
I am committed to supporting others in experiencing freedom. Are you ready to grow and prosper and share your abundance with others?
Here is a recent GS Partners overview call (click on
Gold Standard Webinar