Aloha ,
Sacred Geometry is a language of the Divine that shows us
our potential, our multidimensionality, and even points us to explore the infinite nature of reality and ourselves.
I can feel myself getting activated when I interact with sacred geometric forms. I feel myself expanding and opening to more. Have you felt this too? Have you ever
looked at a crop circle, a Sri Yantra, or an image of Metatron's Cube and felt it?
This is why I love sharing the work of Nadi Hana with you. Nadi is a masterful sacred geometry teacher and her life's work is sharing these incredible forms and all they have to offer
with you!
Nadi has just launched a brand new, comprehensive 10 week sacred geometry drawing course and I am belighted to share it with you!
We recorded this video so you can get a sense of what this course will offer: