Hi ,
You are receiving this because you requested info about GSP. If you do NOT want to receive these updates, let me know and I will happily take you off this list. I never want to spam you, I DO want to keep
you up to date on all of the exciting news in GSP.
Have I told you how grateful I am that GS Partners showed up for me at a time where I really wanted to have a break from my busy lifestyle, and still feel financially stable? Thanks to GSP I have had that break as well as passive income. What a blessing it has been
and continues to be.
I'm also grateful that I can share this with others and help others achieve passive income, more time to RELAX, travel, and enjoy life.
This month GS Partners has released a new series of certificates called "Success". These new certificates are shorter term (only 18 months!) and offer up to 5x in rewards and bonuses... This is very special and rare.
Jump on the zoom
today to hear more.
Join the Zoom today, Oct 16 at 10am eastern time
CommUNITY call, open to all:
Meeting ID: 910 2207 3343
Many things have changed inside the platform starting October 1st, and I will get you the newest replays next week. Enjoy the call, and reply to this to set up a personal call with me if you would like to
speak in person.
Here is the replay from Oct 11: https://youtu.be/-R71m4ZCflk?si=4CAHm7dy1H8Hp7oq
We have a special open Circle meeting coming up on Monday, November 6th. We would love to see you there.
Wealth Circle: Vision Temple Open Zoom for all who are interested in GSP
Join us every month on the First Monday for an open discussion.
Nov. 6, 2023 06:00 PM Mountain Time, 8pm eastern time
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 811 6194 4054
Password: 111111