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Do you have unanswered questions about GSP? Maybe you saw a negative review online, maybe you
talked to someone who said it sounds like a Ponzie scheme, or maybe you are unclear about how it works.
I get it! It's a new thing for a lot of people, and people tend to push away things they don't understand.
That's what happened to James Pelton. He is an online entrepreneur and investor who shares the good and bad projects he comes across.
James did a Ponzie
patrol video on GSP a while back and said a lot of negative things about the company based on what he could find online.
When GSP Headquarters saw his video they invited him to come to the Dubai event last month to learn about the project, meet the team, and see for
Guess what happened? James completely shifted his views on GSP once he got the inside scoop. He became an affiliate and now he is sharing what he learned and buying assets in GSP!
He made a video to share his findings, which you can see here: