Hi ,
The idea that someone
"out there" is going to save us is an age old concept. Religions are founded on it, politics and governments are built on it.
I've heard plenty of talk from spiritual seekers over the years about being protected by galactics, ascended masters, and angels.
More recently the conversation has turned to "the White Hats" cleaning house on our planet insuring that soon we will all be free and happy.
Faith, trust, and hope are beautiful things to have, but when we become complacent in our lives due to the idea that
someone or something outside of ourselves is going to take care of us... things can get messy.
Join me for today's video: "Outsourcing Your Salvation"
Click the image to watch the video, premiering at 9:00 am eastern time. I'll be there to chat with you in the LIVE chat!