Hi ,
I enjoyed a trip to Iowa to visit my family last week and on
my return I was reviewing the amazing things that have come into my life over the last 18 months. It feels like 5D, instant manifestation. If I think it, and it is aligned, it shows up nearly instantly!
This is exactly what happened on Friday as I was sitting at my computer looking at the
amazingness that has come to me financially through synchronicity, good choices, and powerful action.
You see, it is not enough to have "the thing" show up. That is step 1.
Step 2 is
taking INSPIRED ACTION. I say inspired action because there is an element of gut feeling, knowing, and intuition in this part. I have practiced this for so much of my life that I do it automatically now, but many people use their rational mind only and miss a lot of great opportunities because they skipped over their gut knowing or intuitive hit.
So back to Friday... I was looking at my computer dashboard at my recent investments and seeing them grow in value. It felt good. I had the thought "How can I share this with more people?" and a few minutes later my friend Lorna messaged me with an offer to speak on her FREEDOM WEALTH Challenge. BOOM!
Naturally I said yes! https://www.breakthroughtomillionsnow.com/waxela