URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKeuYp9FA3c
You can also jump to
timestamp 1:04 (one hour and 4 minutes in) to hear Heidi and I talk about the Florida Pyramids retreat we are hosting next month. We would love to have you join us for the Florida Pyramids Retreat!
We just have a few rooms left. The good news is that there is still space if
you would like to join us!
I've teamed up with Thaddeus Owen & Tomorrow (aka Heidi Sime) to create a very unique retreat experience. It's the second annual Florida Pyramids Embodied Ascension Retreat in Ft Myers Florida.
We will be
sharing 5 days of:
- Movement meditation experiences
- Embodied spiritual ascension practices
- Mind body spirit well-being
- Daily soaks in a
healing mineral pool
- Juice fasting (3 days)
- Creative Art Projects and
- Consciously connected community
This is a small personal retreat. Participants will get to share quality time and receive personal instruction with Waxela, Tomorrow, and Thaddeus. New friendships and deep connections will be made with like-minded retreat companions. We had so much fun last year, this is an incredible opportunity that we are so excited to share with you!
Tickets are very limited. If you know in your heart that this is for YOU, go get yours right NOW!
Click Here to see pricing, buy your ticket, and reserve your room.
Retreat Dates: April 16 check in; April 21 check
Location: PYRAMIDS IN FLORIDA, Ft. Myers, Florida