Recently Nadi Hana and I offered a class on drawing Metatron's Cube, along with breathing, meditation and embodying the frequencies of Metatron. It was POWERFUL!
Not only did the participants come away with a drawing of Metatron's cube and the knowledge of how to create this sacred geometry any time, they also got to experience METATRON, the Archangel of LIFE, through channeling and breathwork. One participant even had a spontaneous healing of chronic back pain during the final
Sacred Geometry is a love language from the Divine. It is embedded with ascension codes, the symbols of transformation and enlightenment.
Viewing sacred geometry can
open intuitive channels and greater consciousness. Drawing sacred geometry amplifies that experience even more, as you commune with the information in the symbols through the practice of drawing.
Add conscious breath, activating
meditation, and channeling the frequencies of Metatron and you have a recipe for ascension!
It is my pleasure to bring you a
one-of-a-kind workshop collaboration with Sacred Geometry expert Nadi Hana.
I invite you to join Nadi Hana
and me, Waxela Sananda in this powerful opportunity for expansion and activation.
In this workshop Nadi will help you unlock the
mysteries of Sacred Geometry while teaching you how to draw Metatron’s cube. You do not need any prior drawing experience (or talent!), Nadi will walk you through a step by step process to create your own sacred drawing of Metatron's cube.
Waxela will lead guided meditation,
breathwork and channel Metatron's frequencies throughout the class. This will help you access your intuition and connect to higher consciousness.
Participants will draw their own Metatron’s Cube and receive
activation codes downloaded through Waxela’s transmissions of Metatron Source Consciousness. We will integrate Universal Intelligence with meditation, breathwork and complementary practices of crystal gridding, mantras and creative expression as a healing modality.
If you didn't get a chance to attend the live training but you would like to learn this beautiful sacred geometry and have the Metatron experience, we are making it available to you now as a downloadable virtual class complete with the meditations and breathwork so you can go at your own pace and on your own time.