I have deepened my understanding of this light technology in vast ways over the last month. I have been tuning in daily and working directly with the source energy through my own Alkywan Spheres. They have been speaking to me, sharing with me what their purpose is, and this is why I have decided to step up into a role of bringing them to you
My life is full and blessed by the Divine. I was not looking to take on a larger role with Alkywan. But LIFE is my beloved, and I am on the path of facilitating Ascension. My beloved brings me the most aligned opportunities and missions, and I say YES because my role in this is to serve in the highest way
Alkywan Light Spheres (this is the new name that they have asked me to upgrade to from “photon balls”) are brought to us from the Angelic realm. They are here to assist with individual ascension into the Golden Realm of 5D New Earth and higher. They are also here to collectively assist our planet
and humanity in this time of Ascension. These beautiful Spheres hold the Angelic Code of the New Human Blueprint.
If you have your own Alkywan Light Sphere you can use it both personally and for assisting in this global Ascension shift. If you do not have your own sphere you can also assist by tuning in to the Light Sphere meditations and amplifying the frequencies of ascension through your biofield and body and anchoring them into the earth and
Part of my role as ambassador of this Light is to share it as largely as possible. This means I will be resuming monthly group meditations with the Light Spheres as well as integrating opportunities to work with the energy through my upcoming Alchemy of Ascension Membership (opening in October 2022) and by facilitating the
distribution of the spheres.
If you feel called to also be a part of the sharing of the light spheres, message me to learn how you can get involved. This light is beyond any one person or small group. The Source Light which is amplified through the Alkywan Light Spheres is available to ALL who wish to be a part of it! It is collaborative,
expanding, and blessing all who choose to collaborate with it!
One of my roles in this will be to connect with those who wish to share the distribution of the Alkywan Light Spheres and bring the technology to them, straight from the source.
Some words from Stepan, creator of Alkywan, who has been working with this technology for over a decade, constantly improving and upgrading it in order to share the highest frequency, most impeccable products with the world:
“This technology comes here from the spirit world, through the seventh dimension from the world of angelic beings. It is not based on magnetic energy and therefore cannot be copied or misused. It is for souls who want to become angels. One can become an angel during their physical lifetime. Naturally, the subatomic structure within the physical body will
From the outside, the body looks the same. The silica in the spheres balances the psychic energy flow in the body so that the kundalini energy can safely rise and open the third eye. The New Earth ascended human requires more silica in their form. They will need the stimulation of the crystals in the pineal gland to better understand
communications from the Codes of Light.
For instance, holding a 2in ball from a pair of mini balls in the left hand during meditation steps up the frequencies and energies for the pineal gland (third eye chakra). A small crystal sphere placed on the forehead over the third eye is a powerful charger when meditating.
The silica found in our bodies is in the form of crystals. The silica in the connective tissues bind the body cells together. Silica is a prominent part of brain tissues also. One of the main goals of these products is to help people enter the New Earth, golden realm [with a highly crystaline form].”
You are among the first to learn of this shift, and you are also the first to have this opportunity to order an Alkywan Light Sphere after the shift that has happened over the last two months.
If you are interested in ordering one or more individual Spheres for yourself or becoming a distributor and sharing them with your following, reply to this email to let me know and I will send you the details on pricing and shipping.
As I mentioned before, you are the first to receive this due to having registered for one or more of the previous Alkywan meditations. I will be sharing this message with my larger list on Lions Gate, August 8, 2022.
Thank you for your role in the earth and humanity’s ascension!