Hello ,
I'm so excited to share this with you!
In this powerful time of ascension, human consciousness is EXPANDING.
Let me ask you this…
Are you an Indigo, Starseed, Lightworker, Wanderer, Walk-in, Awakened or Awakening and ready to learn more?
Are you ready for a boost, an ACTIVATION, a transmission, to help you step into your MISSION during this time of
Are you on a spiritual path, ready to co-create and anchor yourself in the New Earth?
If you can relate to any of the above, then this FREE ONLINE EVENT IS FOR YOU!
The Alchemy of Ascension Season VI: Exploring Expanded States of Consciousness
I invite you to join this FREE online event which will give you powerful insights such as how to:
- Clear blocks and stuck energy to feel lighter and more FREE
- Activate and understand your DNA as a multidimensional stargate
- Enter expanded states of consciousness
- IGNITE your spiritual gifts
- Amplify your intuition and uncover your purpose
- Connect to Divine Source within
You will be delighted with the lineup of speakers on this show! The summit consists of interviews with masterful leaders who share experiences of expanded states such as channeling, light language, soul walk-in experiences, near death experiences (NDE), sacred geometry
communications, downloads of intuition from the divine, plant medicine transmissions, flow states, and more.
The intention of this series is to open a portal for you to
enter into your own expanded states through hearing the speakers share their stories.
Click this link to sign up for this FREE event:
If you are ready to explore with us, click below for a complimentary ticket. Every speaker is offering amazing free gifts adding up to thousands of dollars worth of downloads, all free to those who register!