Some words
from Stepan, creator of Alkywan, who has been working with this technology for over a decade, constantly improving and upgrading it in order to share the highest frequency, most impeccable products with the world:
“This technology comes here from the spirit world, through the seventh dimension from the world of angelic beings. It is not based on magnetic
energy and therefore cannot be copied or misused. It is for souls who want to become angels. One can become an angel during their physical lifetime. Naturally, the subatomic structure within the physical body will change.
From the outside, the body looks the same. The silica in the spheres balances the psychic energy flow in the body so that the
kundalini energy can safely rise and open the third eye. The New Earth ascended human requires more silica in their form. They will need the stimulation of the crystals in the pineal gland to better understand communications from the Codes of Light.
For instance, holding a 2in ball from a pair of mini balls in the left hand during meditation steps up the frequencies
and energies for the pineal gland (third eye chakra). A small crystal sphere placed on the forehead over the third eye is a powerful charger when meditating.
The silica found in our bodies is in the form of crystals. The silica in the connective tissues bind the body cells together. Silica is a prominent part of brain tissues also. One of the main goals of these
products is to help people enter the New Earth, golden realm [with a highly crystaline form].”
Infinite love and blessings!