Are you here on a mission? Do you have BIG IDEAS that could make a positive impact in the world? Are you wondering how you can make an impact and really make your time on this planet count? If so, you have the potential to be a THOUGHT LEADER!
Today I get to introduce you to Sara Connell, founder of Thought Leader Academy. Sara's mission is to assist people like you and me who have a lot to share in getting our work out to the world. Sara's Thought Leader Academy is the place where you can write a book, a TEDx talk, and
get the support you need to become a speaker and thought leader.
I am currently in Sara's program as I am writing my second book and a TEDx talk. I don't know how I would be able to accomplish all of it without her support. I got together with Sara recently to record a short video about her program because I want to share her work with you.
Sara is so generous, she made an amazing free offer exclusively for my email list (YOU!) if you are interested in getting the help Thought Leader Academy offers on your writing and speaking projects.
Click the picture to watch the video and find out what Sara has to offer. I just may be seeing you in Thought Leader Academy soon!