Hi ,
Happy first week of 2022! I hope your year is off to a great start.
You may have noticed I didn't do my usual Tuesday videos the last two weeks. Have you heard that saying "into each life some rain must fall"? Well I did experience some "rain" in the form of covid and a new relationship breaking up over the holiday season. And after feeling all of the feels that go along with processing
all of that, the rain is growing new sprouts and I'm beginning to feel the sunshine in my heart again.
I was also blessed to have an amazing Quantum Healing Hypnosis session with Elisa Herrera Wright, and I will be doing a live Youtube video with her on Monday, January 10th at 11am, so watch your inbox for an invite to that.
Click the picture to watch the video, and if you are feeling generous give it a thumbs up "Like" and Subscribe.
Leave me a comment on YouTube to let me know What "blows" are you turning into BLESSINGS this year?